🏋️‍♂️🍎 苹果健身+为新年加码内容!🎉

Apple Fitness+ 将推出新内容,为即将到来的一年精选这个健身平台的艺人焦点系列将以创建播放列表的形式,向过去和现在的表演者致敬,包括今年的特邀艺人亚瑟(Usher)”

Apple Fitness+将为新一年的超级碗半场表演者增添内容

准备好与节奏一同出汗,因为Apple Fitness+将为新一年增添精彩内容!🚀 这个健身服务将增加一些令人兴奋的功能和计划,使您的健身之旅更加有趣和引人入胜。🎵💪那么,让我们深入了解一下Apple为我们准备了什么吧!


为了庆祝🏈超级碗中场表演,Apple Fitness+的艺术家焦点系列将为您带来专属于这些令人惊叹的表演者的播放列表。🎉🎉无论您是瑞安娜、布兰妮·斯皮尔斯、U2还是亚瑟,Apple Fitness+都会为您提供!每个艺术家都将有自己专属的锻炼播放列表,根据不同的锻炼方式量身定制,让您在喜爱的音乐中出汗。🎵🔥


A: The Artist Spotlight series not only provides fantastic workout playlists, but it also allows you to connect with the energy and talent of these phenomenal artists. It's like having a personal concert while working up a sweat!


除了令人心潮澎湃的锻炼,Apple Fitness+ 还引入了声音冥想,以帮助您找到内心的禅境。🧘‍♀️ 想象一下,您被清澈的唱钵声和深沉的锣声所包围,它们精心排列,创造一种轻松感。这七个以声音为主题的冥想将每周推出,每节课程持续时间从五到二十分钟不等。 🎶💆‍♀️


A: Sound meditations can be incredibly calming and can deepen your meditation practice. The gentle guidance from the trainer, combined with the soothing sounds, creates a peaceful ambiance where you can relax and focus on your well-being.

👣🌟 跟名人一起散步

苹果的《散步时光》系列将迎来另一位令人期待的名人:阿尔·罗克!🌟 这位备受喜爱的今天秀天气预报员和联合主持人将分享他对导师关系的见解,其中包括与他父亲的一次关键对话。🚶‍♂️ 加入阿尔·罗克的还有其他令人难以置信的人物,如说唱歌手兼演员Common,变装皇后Trixie Mattel,演员Colman Domingo以及作家/演员Lilly Singh,她将主持一些节目。


A: Time to Walk episodes offer a unique audio walking experience guided by celebrities. It's like having a friendly conversation in your ear as you stroll through your neighborhood. It's an engaging way to gain inspiration, insights, and a fresh perspective while getting your daily steps in. 🚶‍♀️


🎙️🎧 在Apple Podcasts上进行散步时间

如果您是播客爱好者或想追赶错过的剧集,您会很高兴知道Apple的50个旧版Time to Walk剧集将在Apple Podcasts上提供。 🎧💚 您可以享受与像威廉王子,帕蒂·拉贝尔,贝基·G,刘思慕,马拉拉·优素福扎伊,卡米拉·卡贝罗,多莉·帕顿,杰森·塞格尔和肖恩·门德斯这样的杰出人物进行的鼓舞人心的对话。虽然播客版本不包括客人推荐的歌曲和照片,但您仍然可以通过Fitness+应用程序来查看它们。此外,Apple Podcasts允许非订阅者免费收听10个Time to Walk剧集! 🎙️💯

问:为什么在Apple Podcasts上的Time to Walk是一个改变游戏规则的举措?

A: By bringing Time to Walk to Apple Podcasts, Apple Fitness+ is expanding its reach and allowing more people to enjoy these inspiring episodes. Whether you're on a walk, running errands, or simply relaxing, you can tune in to these captivating conversations and get motivated, no matter where you are. 🎧🌟

⛳🏌️‍♀️ 用苹果健身+ 提高您的高尔夫水平

注意,高尔夫爱好者!苹果健身+ 也为您准备了特别的东西!🏌️‍♀️⛳ 平台将新增专为高尔夫爱好者设计的新锻炼计划。这些锻炼包括力量、核心和瑜伽训练,由职业高尔夫球手Rose Zhang精心创建。无论您是新手还是希望提高水平,这些锻炼将帮助您在挥杆时更加自信,并在球场上尽情享受!🏌️‍♂️🔥

问:苹果健身+ 如何提升您的高尔夫体验?

A: The golf-specific workouts offered by Apple Fitness+ are designed to improve strength, balance, flexibility, and mobility — all essential elements for a great golf game. With the guidance of a professional like Rose Zhang, you can level up your skills, hit the ball further, and have a more enjoyable time on the green! ⛳🌟

💪📱 苹果健身+ 与 Anytime Fitness 携手合作

为了给用户提供更多福利,苹果健身+ (Apple Fitness+) 与在美国广受欢迎的健身房连锁品牌 Anytime Fitness 合作了🤝“潜在会员”试用 Anytime Fitness 可以免费获得长达三个月的苹果健身+! 而如果你已经是苹果健身+的订阅者,并决定加入 Anytime Fitness 进行12个月的会员资格,头30天的健身房费用将会免费!此外,iOS 上的 Anytime Fitness 应用与苹果健身+ 的锻炼完美融合,使得跟踪进度和保持动力更加简单。 🎉💪

Q:与 Anytime Fitness 合作对苹果健身+ 的订阅者有何好处?

A: The partnership with Anytime Fitness offers flexibility and convenience for users. Whether you prefer to work out at home with Apple Fitness+ or hit the gym, you can enjoy the best of both worlds. With the added benefits and a streamlined experience through the Anytime Fitness app, staying fit and reaching your goals becomes a breeze!



来源:- 🔗苹果健身+锻炼服务🔗苹果健身+艺术家专栏系列🔗苹果的有声散步和名人指导的音频散步体验
