🤖 AI 聊天机器人与提示的力量:Anthropic的免费工具




Anthropic Prompt Library



🌟 提升您的聊天机器人体验




Your task is to analyze the following report:
<report>[Full text of Matterport SEC filing 10-K 2023, not pasted here for brevity]</report>

Summarize this annual report in a concise and clear manner, and identify key market trends and takeaways. Output your findings as a short memo I can send to my team. The goal of the memo is to ensure my team stays up to date on how financial institutions are faring and qualitatively forecast and identify whether there are any operating and revenue risks to be expected in the coming quarter. Make sure to include all relevant details in your summary and analysis.


It’s like having a corporate clairvoyant at your disposal, assisting you in distilling crucial information from lengthy reports into a concise memo. Talk about simplifying our lives!

🤔 兼容各种聊天机器人

Although Anthropic’s prompt library was designed with Claude in mind, it can also be used with other chatbot platforms. The only requirement is to ensure the chatbot you’re using has the necessary capabilities to leverage the prompts.

For example, the “Corporate Clairvoyant” prompt relies on the chatbot’s ability to access a link. Therefore, if you plan on using a different chatbot, you’ll need to make sure it can handle links as well.

I put this to the test with ChatGPT and obtained a similar output to what Claude’s example showcased: detailed and effective results.

📜 制作完美提示

The prompt library also offers insights into how to format your own prompts effectively. By exploring the different prompt examples provided, you can learn to optimize the information you include and fine-tune your prompts to achieve better outcomes. It’s like having a cheat code for your chatbot conversations!

🙌 今天拥抱安思普的提示库!

Don’t miss out on Anthropic’s free prompt library! It’s the perfect companion for those seeking to harness the true power of AI chatbots. Whether you want to distill corporate reports or embark on a storytelling adventure, the prompt library has something for everyone.

So, grab your chosen chatbot, visit the prompt library, and watch as your conversations become even more captivating, efficient, and delightful. 😄

🌐 参考列表:

  1. AI chatbots increase student cheating, surprise new research finds
  2. Anthropic’s Claude 3 chatbot claims to outperform ChatGPT
  3. Prompt Security’s mission to make GenAI safe for enterprise
  4. Microsoft’s Copilot Notebook: A closer look and handy prompt features
  5. Google Chrome to allow users to build custom AI-generated themes

🔍 问答

问:我可以将Anthropic的提示库与除Claude之外的其他聊天机器人一起使用吗? 答:当然可以!只要聊天机器人具备支持提示的必要能力,Anthropic的提示库就可以与各种聊天机器人平台一起使用。只需确保聊天机器人能够处理特定要求,比如访问链接,然后您就可以开始使用了!

问:提示库如何帮助我有效地格式化自己的提示? 答:Anthropic的提示库提供了大量示例,可以指导您如何格式化自己的提示以获得最佳效果。通过探索这些提示,您将获得有关包含哪些关键信息以及如何构建提示以实现卓越结果的见解。

问:还有其他类似的提示库吗? 答:虽然Anthropic的提示库是一个绝佳资源,但也有其他提示库和工具可供选择。例如,OpenAI的ChatGPT提供了自己的一套提示策略和资源,可以帮助您增强聊天机器人的互动体验。探索不同的提示选项,并尝试使用各种库,可以打开一个全新的可能性世界!

✨ 与我们分享您的聊天机器人冒险!您尝试过Anthropic的提示库吗?它是否彻底改变了您的聊天机器人体验?在下方评论中让我们知道!👇
