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AI批评者在SXSW 2024年会上因称AI推广为“可怕的胡说八道”而受到热烈回应 | ENBLE

AI的崛起引发了许多人心中的敬畏和恐惧。但在这双重情感背后究竟隐藏着什么?屡获殊荣的电影创作人 DANIELS 在 SXSW 大会上揭示了围绕 AI 的迷人悖论。



“我们必须改变自己的故事,说‘你的价值在于你的工作,’” 他解释道。 “你的价值仅仅取决于你能做什么,而我们不再是具有固有价值的存在。”

这个观点揭示了在当前体系内寻找满足感的挣扎,而这一体系在我们感到不满足时才能运转良好。就是在这种背景下,AI 的崛起成为一个值得探讨的话题。


在观众的欢呼和掌声中,关端承认了 AI 令人惊叹的潜力。

“这是魔术,” 他拍案而起。 “它可能会治愈癌症,可能会给我们提供许多气候解决方案。这是一个强大的东西。”

然而,关端坦言,他对为了接受 AI 带来的便利和进步而必须采用的叙事深感恐惧。

“但我真的很害怕我们将不得不告诉自己的这个新故事,以便接受这种新的便利,这种新的进步,” 关端承认说,瞬间让全场安静下来。

系统困境:AI 在现有结构内

关端挑衅地质疑 AI 在我们当前的激励结构内运作会对社会产生什么样的影响。它是否会加剧现有问题,如气候变化、收入不平等和缺乏感恩和理解?


“这种情况会慢慢被累积和标准化,直到我们甚至意识不到,” 他警告道。

改写叙事:AI 作为变革工具

关端强调了社交媒体的初衷是使我们联系在一起,但却无意间让我们比以往任何时候都更孤独。然而,他相信 AI 为我们提供了重新塑造塑造未来的故事和体系的机会。

他强调了不要轻率地接受也不要漠视 AI 的进步的重要性。

“我们并没有说‘不要使用 AI,’” 关端澄清说。 “AI 已经到来。它将迅速在我们生活的每个方面部署。”

<p与此观点相呼应,施耐特补充说,在使用 ai="" p="" 时考虑我们的意图至关重要。我们是在利用它创造我们真正想要生活的世界,还是只是为亿万富翁服务?

“如果有人告诉你,没有副作用。一切都很好,‘上车’— 那是可怕的胡说八道,” 施耐特高声喊道。 “我们应该深入讨论如何谨慎地部署这些东西。”


<p观众的热烈掌声表明,与 ai="" daniels="" p="" 一样,许多人对="" 的社会影响表示担忧。<p这种普遍的不安表明在 ai="" p="" 实施的引发这些不安情绪进行自省。



“我们创作的每一个故事……都是一个从一个想贬值我们和我们关心的人的体系中拯救自己和自己价值的行为,” 关端解释道。


This notion reinforces the power of storytelling and art as instruments of defiance against devaluation, acting as vessels to preserve our worth and that of our loved ones.

🤔 Q&A Session: Addressing Reader Concerns

Q1: Will AI render my job obsolete?

While AI may reshape the job market, it doesn’t necessarily mean the complete elimination of jobs. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the value of certain roles may be diminished. The gradual normalization of this shift requires careful consideration and adaptation to navigate the changing landscape.

Q2: How can we harness AI for positive impact?

By consciously using AI to amplify our endeavors, we can create a world that aligns with our values and aspirations. Instead of chasing wealth for the privileged few, we should prioritize leveraging AI to enhance the quality of life for everyone. Thoughtful deployment and ethical considerations will play key roles in maximizing AI’s benefits.

Q3: What safeguards can be implemented to prevent negative consequences?

Open and inclusive discussions surrounding AI’s deployment are vital. We must establish regulations that address potential pitfalls, ensuring ethical practices align with the greater good. Responsible AI development, coupled with ongoing assessments of its impact, will help shape a future that mitigates any adverse effects.

🔮 Beyond the Present: Envisioning AI’s Path

The thought-provoking insights from DANIELS offer a lens through which we can analyze AI’s trajectory. As society grapples with the inherent paradoxes, it’s important to anticipate the potential developments and ramifications that lie ahead.

Key Takeaways and Future Developments:

  • Embracing AI requires carefully reevaluating the narratives ingrained in our current systems.
  • The devaluation of jobs and the need to redefine worth will necessitate adaptation in the ever-changing job market.
  • Responsible, value-driven utilization of AI can lead to positive transformations in various sectors.
  • Engaging in deep conversations and implementing safeguards will help address the potential challenges associated with AI’s rapid deployment.

🌐 References: 1. The Impact of AI on the Job Market 2. Ethical Considerations in AI Development 3. Exploring the Power of Storytelling 4. The Social and Psychological Implications of AI 5. Creating a Sustainable AI Framework

🗣️ Let’s Continue the Conversation!

AI’s rise is an ongoing narrative, and we welcome your thoughts and perspectives. Have you grappled with conflicting emotions surrounding AI? How do you envision AI’s role in shaping our future? Share your insights and join the conversation on social media!

💬💻🤖 #AIisMagicYetTerrifying #RedefinedWorth #EmbracingChange #AIRevolution

Image Source: Unsplash
