iOS 17.4新功能:您iPhone的惊喜!



📱 iOS 17.4:iPhone用户的新功能和令人振奋的更新!🚀

Apple刚刚发布了iOS 17.4版本,为您的iPhone带来了一波新功能、改进和bug修复。📲✨ 准备好通过这些令人兴奋的更新来提升您的iPhone体验!让我们马上了解一下!

在欧盟下载其他应用商店 🌍

如果您在欧盟,为一个重大变化做好准备!有了iOS 17.4,您现在可以下载来自App Store以外的替代性应用商店和应用程序。🛍️🌟 Apple的这一开创性举措是自2008年App Store成立以来对其最重大的变化之一。此外,欧盟地区的人们将享受新的默认应用控制和更多定制选项,以打造个性化的iPhone体验。现在是探索全新应用世界的时候了!🚀

应用内支付的更多选项 💳

Apple通过iOS 17.4引入了新的支付方式。转到“设置” > “隐私与安全”并发现“无接触和NFC”选项。这一功能为未来应用内的无接触和NFC支付敞开了大门。尽管这一令人兴奋的支付选项最初是针对欧盟地区的人们宣布的,但其在该地区之外的可用性仍然不确定。只有时间会告诉!💸💰

💯 更多精彩的表情符号!😍

谁不喜欢表情符号呢?🥳🔥 iOS 17.4推出了100多个新表情符号,为您的对话增添乐趣。从摇头到雄伟的凤凰和一片清新的酸橙,这些富有表现力的新增内容将提升您的表情符号游戏到一个全新水平。Android用户自2023年就已开始享受这些表情符号了,现在轮到我们来玩得开心了!🌈👏

增强的iMessage安全防范未来威胁 🔒

通过iOS 17.4,Apple加强了对您的iMessage聊天的安全防护,以保护它们免受涉及量子计算的网络攻击。虽然目前尚未有任何报道的网络攻击,但Apple正在积极地保护您的对话,使其远离潜在的未来威胁。放心聊天,无忧无虑!😎🛡️


iOS 17.4邀请您在收听播客时阅读您所喜爱的播客的剧本。只需打开播客应用,开始收听节目,然后点击屏幕底部的媒体播放器。发现底部左下角的新对话气泡按钮,然后,啊哎呀!您正在欣赏的这一集的剧本就在那里了。您甚至可以在剧本中搜索,更容易地找到您在播客中听到的书籍或电影推荐。敬请关注并开始阅读!🎧📚

Apple Cash的虚拟卡号 💳

通过iOS 17.4,您的Apple Cash现在获得了升级!现在您可以生成能够访问您的Apple Cash的虚拟卡号。可以将其视为具有数字形式的实体卡。如果您怀疑您的卡受到侵害,您甚至可以请求一个新的卡号。当在不接受Apple Pay的在线商店使用Apple Cash时,此功能非常实用。带着信心购物!🛍️💰

City Digital:一个新的数码时钟小部件 ⏰

介绍一下City Digital,这是iOS 17.4中新增加的数码时钟小部件!与以前的数码时钟小部件不同,City Digital显示时间以及一个特定位置,而不是您当前的位置。这对于旅行者或那些想要在不干扰所爱之人的情况下跨越不同时区保持联系的人来说是完美的。Apple最初在iOS 17.2中引入了数字时钟小部件,从那时起就一直大受好评!⏱️🌎


iOS 17.4为“被盗设备保护”带来了令人激动的新选择。您可以选择始终需要一个小时的安全延迟来访问某些设置,或者仅在您远离熟悉位置(如您的家)时需要。尽管这一功能无法保护您的所有数据,但Apple强烈建议启用它,以确保在被盗或未经授权访问时保护您的敏感信息。走在前面,保护您的数据!🔐💪


Battery Health readout for iPhone 15 models 📊

iPhone 15 models receive a new Battery Health readout with iOS 17.4. You can now check the status of your battery’s health in a simple word, such as “Normal” or “Service.” Head to “Settings” > “Battery” to explore this handy feature. Want to know more? Dive deeper and tap the option for additional details like cycle count and maximum capacity. Say goodbye to mystery and hello to transparency! 🔋✨

Home button in the Music and Books apps 🏠🎶📚

Apple has introduced a Home button in the Apple Music and Books apps with iOS 17.4. Find it in the far-left corner at the bottom of your screen. The Home button replaces “Listen Now” in Apple Music and “Read Now” in Books. When you tap this button in Apple Music, you’ll discover menus like “Recently Played” and personalized recommendations based on your favorite artists. As for the Books app, you’ll find menus such as “Current Bestsellers” and “Start Reading for Free.” Apple’s quest for consistency continues! 📖🎵

Siri masters multiple languages! 🗣️🌍

Siri has leveled up in iOS 17.4! Now, Siri can read messages in multiple languages. Head to “Settings” > “Siri & Search” and find the “Messaging with Siri” option. Here, you can add languages of your choice and experience Siri reading messages in various languages, including Spanish, different dialects of Mandarin, and Thai. However, Siri will still respond in the primary language you’ve set. It’s time for Siri to become bilingual! 📲💁‍♀️

New Apple CarPlay and Maps experience 🚙🗺️

Certain supported vehicles using Apple CarPlay will enjoy an enhanced Maps experience. Apple Maps presents an all-new instrument cluster, providing you with essential information about upcoming maneuvers. With a simple tap on the map configuration button, you can effortlessly switch between the main and instrument cluster screens. While Apple hasn’t disclosed which vehicles support this feature, the experience promises to make your CarPlay journey even more delightful. Buckle up and hit the road with confidence! 🚀🌍

🔎 Don’t Miss Out on These Articles:

Now that you’re acquainted with the exciting features of iOS 17.4, why not indulge in more iOS goodness? Check out these related articles to boost your knowledge:

📚 References:

  1. Digital Trends: iOS 17.4
  2. Digital Trends: People in EU gain access to other app stores
  3. Digital Trends: New emoji in iOS 17.4
  4. Digital Trends: Apple enhances iMessage security
  5. Digital Trends: iOS 17.4 introduces podcast transcripts
  6. Digital Trends: Virtual card numbers for Apple Cash
  7. Digital Trends: City Digital, a new digital clock widget
  8. Digital Trends: Apple updates Stolen Device Protection
  9. Digital Trends: Battery Health readout in iOS 17.4
  10. Digital Trends: Home button in the Music and Books apps
  11. Digital Trends: Siri reads messages in multiple languages
  12. Digital Trends: Apple CarPlay and Maps experience

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希望这些令人惊叹的更新已经点燃了您对 iOS 17.4 的期待之火!传播这个消息,让您的朋友知道等待探索的所有新功能。在您喜爱的社交媒体平台上分享本文并让热爱 iPhone 的朋友们微笑吧! 😄🎉
