


The Nothing Phone 2a 在美国有吗?

📷 The Nothing Phone 2a face down on a table Andy Boxall / ENBLE

科技界正为 Nothing Phone 2a 的发布而嗡嗡作响,这款引人注目的设备拥有令人印象深刻的功能和独特的透明设计。该手机背面有三条 LED 灯带,是一款真正的奇迹。

Nothing Phone 2a 在哪些国家有销售? 🌍

📷 A person holding the Nothing Phone 2a, showing the Glyph Light menu Andy Boxall / ENBLE

Nothing Phone 2a 目前在多个市场上有售,包括欧盟、英国、印度、澳大利亚、日本、韩国和新加坡。如果您居住在这些地区之一,可以轻松以当地价格购买这款尖端设备。例如,在英国,Nothing Phone 2a 的起价为 £319($408),而在印度,起价为 ₹23,999($290)。


Nothing Phone 2a 在美国有售吗? 🇺🇸

📷 The Nothing Phone 2a and the Nothing Phone 2 with Glyph Lights active Nothing Phone 2a(左)和 Nothing Phone 2 Andy Boxall / ENBLE

从技术上讲,Nothing Phone 2a 可以在美国购买,但有一个条件。它只能通过 Nothing Developer Program 购买。有兴趣的个人需要支付 $349 参加该计划。这个价格包括一款黑色或奶白色的 Nothing Phone 2a,带有 256GB 存储空间,并且提供由 Nothing 提供的 Glyph Developer Kit。另外支付 $15,您还可以获得一个手机壳。

Nothing Developer Program 的成员被鼓励提供他们使用 Glyph Developer Kit 的体验和成果的反馈意见。在英国,不带开发工具包的 256GB Nothing Phone 2a 的价格为 £349,使得开发计划提供的价格相当合理。

在美国购买 Nothing Phone 2a 值得吗? 🤔

📷 A person holding the Nothing Phone 2a, showing the Glyph Lights Andy Boxall / ENBLE

我们对 Nothing Phone 2a 的评测强调了其令人印象深刻的功能,包括 6.7 英寸的明亮屏幕、优秀的扬声器、“色彩丰富、社交友好型相机”以及标志性的 Glyph Lights。配备了双 50MP 主镜头和超广角镜头,以及一个 32MP 前置摄像头,使您能够捕捉到富有细节的令人惊叹的图像和视频。搭载了联发科 Dimensity 7200 Pro 5G 8 核芯片,确保平滑高效的性能。它运行在 Android 14 和 Nothing OS 2.5 上,提供流畅直观的用户体验。

如果您所在的国家是 Nothing Phone 2a 官方销售区域,那么购买它肯定是值得的。但是,对于美国的消费者,在通过开发计划购买之前有一些因素需要考虑。

虽然通过开发计划销售的 Nothing Phone 2a 与其他市场上的产品相同,但一旦 14 天的退货政策到期后,将缺乏售后服务。此外,尽管 Nothing Phone 2a 支持 AT&T、T-Mobile 和 Verizon 的某些无线频段,但它并非专为美国网络设计。它根本不支持 AT&T 的 5G 网络,对于 T-Mobile 的 5G 频段支持有限,与 Verizon 网络的兼容性也受到限制。


If you’re looking for a secondary device and don’t plan on using the Nothing Phone 2a as your primary smartphone, purchasing it through the developer program might still be a viable option. Just keep in mind the limitations that come with it.


Q: Can I use the Nothing Phone 2a in my country? A: The Nothing Phone 2a is currently available in the EU, U.K., India, Australia, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. If you reside in any of these countries, you can purchase it. However, if you’re in the U.S., the phone is only available through the Nothing Developer Program, which has some limitations in terms of after-sales service and network compatibility.

Q: What are the standout features of the Nothing Phone 2a? A: The Nothing Phone 2a offers a unique transparent design with LED strips on its back, which is a visual delight. It also boasts a bright screen, impressive speakers, and a powerful camera setup consisting of dual 50MP main and ultrawide cameras, as well as a 32MP front camera. Powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 7200 Pro 5G 8-core chip, it ensures smooth performance and runs on Android 14 and Nothing OS 2.5.

Q: Should I consider buying the Nothing Phone 2a through the developer program in the U.S.? A: If you’re in the U.S., buying the Nothing Phone 2a through the developer program can be a good option if you’re looking for a secondary device and don’t rely on it as your primary smartphone. However, keep in mind the limitations in terms of after-sales service and network compatibility with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon.

Related Links:

  1. Samsung可能会为其下一款折叠手机带来一个大惊喜
  2. 这就是无手机 2a
  3. 无手机 2a刚刚泄露,带有真正不同寻常的设计

If you’re in one of the lucky countries where the Nothing Phone 2a is available, don’t miss the chance to own this transparent wonder. And if you’re in the U.S., weigh the benefits and limitations before jumping on the developer program bandwagon. Share your thoughts with us and be sure to spread the word on social media! 💻📲🌐
