
谦逊的滑行 – 一款迷你类吸尘器的移动助力,带着崇高的使命帮助视障者导航世界


AI robot designed to replace canes and guide dogs for the visually impaired.

Glide Robot

You know you’ve made it when music legend Stevie Wonder, who is blind, takes your brand new robotic device for the blind for a spin at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Outfitted in his trademark dark glasses, Wonder pushes what looks like a miniature vacuum cleaner with big wheels attached to a stick along a corridor, makes a turn, and comes back.

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It may not look very sophisticated for a robot, but Amos Miller – founder and inventor of the ‘Glide’ – thinks it will transform the lives of those who suffer from impaired vision.

According to the American Community Survey, there were 547,083 children with vision difficulty in the US in 2019, and millions more people go blind during their lives as a result of diseases like diabetes or glaucoma.

A World in Darkness

Amos Miller started going blind in his late twenties because of retinitis pigmentosa, a genetic condition that breaks down the light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye called the retina. Miller was finishing up his computer science degree and looking forward to a career in technology when he lost his sight.

He is among the 7.6 million people in the US today who have suddenly faced this devastating new reality where nothing is as it used to be. Everything has to be re-learned.

Simple tasks – going to the bathroom or fixing a sandwich – become an ordeal.

“Going to the fridge to get a glass of milk used to be something I could do half asleep; after I lost my vision it became a multi-step process, and any error meant I found myself standing, lost in a house I’d lived in for years,” says Kim Tindall, who, like Miller, went blind as an adult.

Tindall had to re-learn practically everything. She attended a course at the Louisiana Center for the Blind (LCB).

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Miller started his adaptive journey by learning how to use the most pervasive and cost-effective technology that blind people employ to navigate their world – a cane. Over time, he graduated to a service dog. Yet, the more familiar Miller became with the limitations of canes and dogs, the more convinced he was that there had to be a better way to navigate this technology-saturated world.

Now, a guide dog can serve as a much-needed companion as well as an indispensable navigational aid.

But they don’t come cheap. Guide dogs can each cost up to $50,000 to breed and train, and they age quickly. In five or six years, these dogs have worn themselves out and need to be replaced, which makes the whole enterprise both emotionally and financially taxing.

Moreover, replacements aren’t exactly cheap or easily available; only around 10,000 dogs are available every year for a visually impaired population of 7.6 million.

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The cane, priced at only $35, is a much less expensive solution than the canine – but it too has considerable limitations.

The user of a cane has to employ a technique called ‘shorelining’ – essentially tracing the tip of the cane along a curb or the walls of buildings to stay on track. Getting the hang of this typically requires 100 hours of training.

Also, the similarity – and problem – with both canes and dogs is that the blind user must have a very good idea of where they’re going, which means a thorough familiarity with their route, their surroundings, and markers on the way such as mailboxes and trees.



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这款机器人的轮子上没有安装马达 – 它通过被动动力引导来移动。用户只需将其向前推动即可使其移动,当用户停下时,机器人也会停下。



Glide的轮子上安装了摄像头和传感器,这些设备帮助用户绕过障碍物或简单地刹车。这通过一个优雅的功能实现 – 一个触觉处理把手(配备了六个振动触觉致动器),从地面传回的信息通过它传递给用户。



这也有助于提高店内购物体验 – 对于那些在超市里挣扎着找寻产品的人来说可能是一场噩梦。Glide可以连接到商店应用程序,使用户能够创建购物清单,之后Glide会引导他们找到每一件商品。


Glidance指出,其产品目前仅针对室内使用进行了优化,正在进行开发,以便为“更复杂的环境,例如悬挑、楼梯、电梯、坡道等” – 最重要的是户外 – 做好准备。


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问: Glide与传统拐杖和导盲犬有何不同?

答: 与需要广泛培训和集中注意力的拐杖不同,Glide为盲人提供了一种更直观和精确的方式来导航周围环境。此外,它消除了与导盲犬相关的高成本和有限可获性。

问: Glide适合户外使用吗?


A: 目前,Glide 已经优化用于室内使用。然而,Glide 背后的公司 Glidance 正在积极努力使该设备与更复杂的环境兼容,包括户外使用。

Q: Glide 价格对每个人来说都是负担得起的吗?

A: Glidance 还在最终确定定价细节,但他们提到 Glide 的成本将与手机订阅计划相当,这将使视力受损个体更容易获得解决方案。


Glide 对视力受损社区来说是一项重大突破。凭借其创新设计和与 Google 地图等技术的整合,Glide 为盲人提供了一种更独立和高效的方式来导航周围环境。

随着人口老龄化和视力丧失人数增加,例如 Glide 的解决方案将在减轻与衰老和失明相关挑战方面变得越来越有价值。

Glide 及类似辅助技术的持续发展将继续改善视力受损个体的生活,促进更大程度的独立和包容。

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亲爱的读者,您对盲人专用的 Glide 机器人有什么想法?您认为它会彻底改变视力受损个人的生活吗?分享您的看法,让我们传播这一令人惊叹的创新!✨💡🤖

