如何将多个显示屏连接到您的 MacBook Air:全面指南

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连接双显示器到MacBook Air的指南 | ENBLE

macbook-air 图片:Apple

使用多个显示器可以极大地提升您的工作空间,使工作和娱乐更加愉快。然而,对于大多数现代的MacBook Air笔记本电脑来说,连接多个外部显示器可能相当棘手,您可能会在此过程中遇到各种问题。但不用担心,因为在这份全面的指南中,我们将为您详细介绍如何将多个显示器连接到您的MacBook Air,提供有价值的信息和实用的建议。


😕 常见问题:其他关注点

问:有没有支持MacBook Air的多显示器连接器的底座?

答:是的,市场上有可用的底座,提供多个显示器连接器,如USB-C、HDMI或DisplayPort。这些底座提供额外的端口和连接性,使连接多个显示器到您的MacBook Air变得更加容易。然而,重要的是要检查底座的兼容性和规格,包括支持的分辨率、刷新率和传输速度。



问:我可以连接两个外部显示器到我的MacBook Air,而不使用底座或软件解决方案吗?

答:连接两个外部显示器而不使用底座或软件解决方案是可能的,但仅限于特定的MacBook Air型号。例如,M3 MacBook Air允许您通过关闭笔记本电脑的盖子来连接两个外部显示器。然而,重要的是要注意,您需要连接外部鼠标或键盘,因为关闭盖子后将无法使用笔记本电脑的内置输入设备。

将显示器连接到M3 MacBook Air

2024年3月,Apple宣布M3 MacBook Air将支持连接两个外部显示器,只要关闭笔记本电脑的显示器。这简化了流程,省去了软件解决方案的需求。

要将多个显示器连接到您的M3 MacBook Air,请按照以下步骤操作:

第1步:连接您的键盘和外部鼠标或触控板到您的MacBook Air,并确保它们工作正常。

第2步:建议将您的MacBook Air连接到电源。然而,如果您的外部显示器为笔记本电脑提供电源,您可能不需要单独将MacBook Air连接到电源适配器。

第3步:连接第一个显示器到您的MacBook Air,支持高达6K的分辨率和60Hz的刷新率。

第4步:关闭您的MacBook Air的盖子。

第5步:连接第二个显示器,支持高达5K的分辨率和60Hz的刷新率。现在您应该可以让两个显示器和您的MacBook Air无缝运行。

m3-macbook-air 图片:Apple

如何使用InstantView连接M1或M2 MacBook Air的两个显示器


Officially, neither the M1 nor M2 MacBook Air models are designed to support multiple displays. According to Apple, these laptops are limited to one display running at up to 6K resolution and a 60Hz refresh rate. However, with some workarounds, you can still connect multiple monitors to your M1 or M2 MacBook Air.

To connect two displays to your M1 or M2 MacBook Air using the InstantView app, follow these steps:

Step 1: Download and install the InstantView app from SiliconMotion’s 下载页面. Grant the app permission to record your display during the installation process.

Step 2: Open System Settings and navigate to Privacy & Security > Screen & Audio System Recording. Enable the toggle next to macOS InstantView, then select “Quit & Reopen” in the popup window.

Step 3: Connect your docking station to your MacBook Air and then connect your external monitors to the station.

Step 4: Your MacBook Air’s on-screen content should now be displayed on all connected monitors.

Step 5: Open the InstantView app to access its user interface. Select either “Mirrored Display” or “Extended Display” mode to mirror or extend your MacBook Air’s screen contents onto your external displays.

m1-m2-macbook-air 图像:Andy Boxall / ENBLE

If the InstantView app does not work for you or you prefer to use a different software solution, DisplayLink is an excellent alternative. DisplayLink functions similarly to InstantView by compressing your MacBook Air’s video feed to enable multiple external monitors.

To connect two displays to your M1 or M2 MacBook Air using DisplayLink, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the DisplayLink Manager software from the developer’s website. As with InstantView, you will need to allow screen recording permissions by enabling the toggle next to DisplayLink Manager in System Settings > Privacy & Security > Screen & Audio System Recording.

Step 2: Once DisplayLink Manager is installed, open the app, and its menu bar icon will automatically appear.

Step 3: Enable the “Launch automatically after login” option by ticking the corresponding checkbox.

Step 4: Connect your external displays to your docking station. You may need to grant permission in a system prompt during this process.

Step 5: Your monitors should now be successfully connected to your MacBook Air.

m1-m2-macbook-air-displaylink 图像:Sebastiaan Chia / Unsplash

🚀 影响和未来发展

连接多个显示器到MacBook Air笔记本显著提高了生产力,扩大了工作和娱乐的可能性。虽然M3 MacBook Air提供了一个简单的解决方案,但M1和M2型号需要使用第三方对接站和软件解决方案。这些解决方案展示了MacBook Air的强大性和适应性,甚至超越了其官方规格。

随着技术的不断进步,我们可以期待未来MacBook Air型号对多个显示器的原生支持得到改进。苹果可能会进一步完善其硬件和软件集成,以简化连接外部监视器的过程。此外,第三方开发人员可能会继续提供创新性解决方案,以增强MacBook Air笔记本电脑的多显示体验。


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现在你已经获得了所有需要的信息,是时候发挥你的MacBook Air显示屏的全部潜力了。玩得开心地连接多个显示器到你的笔记本电脑上,享受扩展的工作空间吧! 💻✨
