“你对智能手机的设计感到厌倦了吗?OnePlus 在这里来改变这一切!”


OnePlus 12超过三星和苹果!| ENBLE

三星Galaxy S24(左),Google Pixel 8,OnePlus 12,iPhone 15和iPhone 15 Pro

当你看到现如今的智能手机时,选择已经有点…乏味,至少可以这么说。你会看到三星,苹果甚至谷歌等顶级品牌的手机,但大多数选项看起来都一样-它们都是玻璃板。三星和谷歌也有折叠手机,为你的手机选择增加了多样性,但苹果的iPhone永远是平板。最糟糕的是,这些手机中的大多数最近都提供了一些最无聊的颜色,尤其是苹果的iPhone 15 Pro系列。你更喜欢哪种灰色呢?如果你想要苹果旗舰智能手机,这才是最终要考虑的问题。

😢😪但别担心!有一个品牌正在人群中脱颖而出,为智能手机设计注入了急需的新鲜感。这个品牌就是OnePlus!🌟最近的OnePlus 12不仅是一款很棒的手机,而且也是我最近用过的最漂亮的手机之一。终于有了一阵清新的空气!


当我得到OnePlus 12时,我希望能拥有流动的翡翠色,因为我已经厌倦了无聊的黑色手机。幸运的是,我确实得到了发送给我的翡翠色手机,尽管我可能有点偏颇(绿色是我最喜欢的颜色之一),但我喜欢它的一切。


根据OnePlus的说法,创造流动的翡翠色背后有一点背景故事。它受到了南阿尔卑斯山的达特河的启发,OnePlus想要再现那些横贯大地的绿色丝带。当然,OnePlus还有一句关于当你握住流动的翡翠色OnePlus 12时,“捕捉到大自然中真正的时间精华”的肉麻台词,这让我笑了,但毫无疑问-流动的翡翠色是美丽的。


再次强调,流动的翡翠色可能不会成为每个人的最爱。但至少OnePlus正在冒险创造一些独特的颜色选择,这些颜色真正突出了其手机,与竞争对手不同。直到我注意到OnePlus 12上的光泽,我才意识到我在生活中需要更多有光泽的手机。我喜欢闪闪发光的东西(只要不是到处粘到我的手上)。请多提供这样的选择!


虽然颜色只是一方面,但智能手机的整体设计已经变得乏味和没有新意。手机要么是玻璃板,要么是一些品牌可能会用折叠或翻盖手机做一些有趣的尝试,比如OnePlus Open或Motorola Razr Plus。


但依然,我怀念智能手机设计奇特、炫耀或好玩的时代。还记得T-Mobile Sidekick 3吗?那是我在iPhone出现之前最喜欢的设备之一,我也怀念拥有那样有趣的东西。我真希望能看到当今时代的那种可旋转屏幕的现代实现。

OnePlus stands out to me as a brand that does things a bit differently, especially with the colors, and I love that. Even its first foldable phone, the OnePlus Open, was impressive in size and design, becoming one of my favorite foldables from 2023.

Apple used to be innovative with the iPhone, but it’s been the same overall look for the past four years. I’m definitely hoping for something more interesting with the iPhone 16 lineup, but I won’t hold my breath. And though I like the Samsung Galaxy S24, aside from the AI features and flat frame, it’s pretty much identical to the Galaxy S23 before it and looks too close to an iPhone with that flat frame.

😴😩 I love tinkering with smartphones, but I’m just getting bored of the designs and, for the most part, colors. It feels like we’ve plateaued, and sometimes, it’s hard to be excited for a phone that looks just like last year’s.

Though OnePlus could use less cheese in their marketing about design inspirations, other brands could learn a lesson from OnePlus. At least put a little more effort into the design and colors instead of putting out the same boring thing year after year. Because when it’s done well, it makes a big difference.


Q: Are there any other smartphone brands that offer unique colors or designs, similar to OnePlus?

A: While OnePlus is definitely leading the pack in terms of unique color offerings, there are a few other brands worth mentioning. Samsung, with its Galaxy S24, offers the Sandstone Orange color, bringing a fresh and vibrant option to the table. Google’s Pixel 8 Pro comes in Bay Blue, adding a touch of elegance to their lineup. However, OnePlus remains at the forefront when it comes to pushing the boundaries of smartphone design with their unconventional choices.

Q: Do you think smartphone manufacturers will start focusing more on innovative designs in the future?

A: It’s hard to predict the future, but there is certainly a demand for more innovative and unique smartphone designs. As consumers become more discerning and seek to stand out from the crowd, manufacturers may feel pressured to deviate from the standard glass slabs and explore fresh ideas. It’s an exciting time for smartphone enthusiasts, and we can hope that brands like OnePlus will influence the industry to prioritize innovation and creativity in design.



🔍🔬 通过研究 OnePlus 12 及其对颜色和设计的大胆尝试,我们可以对未来有所了解。对独特颜色和闪光饰面的需求表明,消费者不仅需要性能出色的手机,还需要反映个性和风格的手机。OnePlus 已经意识到了这一愿望,并通过提供不同寻常的选择来回应。

💡✨ 其他制造商看到 OnePlus 的成功,并且消费者继续寻求创新设计,我们可以预见智能手机市场将发生变化。制造商可能会更多地投资研发,推出新鲜且令人兴奋的设计。

🌟 最终,智能手机设计的未来取决于消费者的需求以及制造商拥抱变革的意愿。让我们希望这股创新浪潮继续席卷行业,开启一个令人着迷和富有想象力的设备新时代。

参考文献:2024年CES最佳智能手机2024年最佳iPhone最佳Google Pixel优惠三星Galaxy S24发布会OnePlus 12出了点问题
