《森林之子 V1.0 补丁说明:脱颖而出的生存游戏!🌲🔥


Sons of the Forest receives new features and v1 patch

Last Updated: Feb 23, 2024 | Gaming Editor: Paul McNally

Sons of the Forest

Finally, the much-anticipated follow-up to The Forest, Sons of the Forest, has emerged from Early Access with a bang! With the introduction of a massive V1 patch and a bundle of exciting new content, this survival game is ready to take the gaming world by storm.

As an avid player of Sons of the Forest, I experienced the janky moments that come with Early Access, but there were also standout moments that elevated this game above the rest. One particular highlight was the injured sidekick Kelvin, who became a massive internet meme. 🤣

Now, I know survival games seem to be a dime a dozen these days, but Sons of the Forest is here to remind us that it’s been there, done that, and excels at delivering an exceptional gaming experience.

The team at Endnight Games, the masterminds behind Sons of the Forest, expressed their excitement on Steam: “We are super excited for you guys to play all the new additions, changes, and fixes. If you have an older save game, it will still work, but we recommend starting a fresh save if you want to experience the story and all the new features fully.”

So, let’s dive into the juicy details of the Sons of the Forest V1.0 Patch Notes: ⬇️

Notable Features from Sons of the Forest V1.0 Patch Notes

  1. 💥 New title scene and end credits with enhanced visuals and music.
  2. 💥 Introduction of a new choice for an alternate ending.
  3. 💥 Addition of 5 new cutscenes to enhance the immersive storytelling experience.
  4. 💥 Updated voice acting and additional details to several cutscenes for a more engaging narrative.
  5. 💥 Implementation of proximity voice chat with environment-specific filters, making communication with other players more realistic.
  6. 💥 Creative mode unlocked upon completing the game story, featuring an alternate inventory and the ability to skip build animations. Get ready to unleash your creativity!
  7. 💥 Addition of raccoons and enhanced climbing abilities for squirrels and raccoons. Who knew these furry creatures would play such a vital role in the game?
  8. 💥 Introduction of 2 new mutants: Legsy and Holey. Brace yourself for challenging encounters!
  9. 💥 Meet Spotty, a new mutant variation that will keep you on your toes.
  10. 💥 Implementation of a new sickness system based on consumption of unclean water or bad food. Stay hydrated and eat right, or suffer the consequences!
  11. 💥 Significant additions and reworks to story item pickups and world details, offering a richer and more immersive gameplay experience.
  12. 💥 The glider has been upgraded to the Foldable Glider, providing improved functionality and enhanced aerial maneuvers.
  13. 💥 Golf Carts now come with radio decks and a GPS screen. Who said golf carts couldn’t be cool?
  14. 💥 Enhanced world details, including the addition of new Jianyu camps and various environment tweaks to keep the exploration fresh and exciting.
  15. 💥 Say hello to NPC Timmy, who awaits your arrival in the hell cave.
  16. 💥 Introducing 2 final artifact pieces that enable new crafting capabilities, expanding your options for survival and progression.
  17. 💥 Jianyu helicopters will now interact with the player by taking off and hovering over structures, adding an extra layer of realism.
  18. 💥 Keep an eye out for dying tactical soldiers marked by red flares. They are there to guide you!
  19. 💥 New campfire smoke signals from cannibal villages are visible from a distance, providing fascinating visual cues.
  20. 💥 Discover a new cave that can be accessed after completing the end game sequence. More mysteries await!
Sons of the Forest


关于游戏编辑:Paul McNally

让我来介绍一下自己—我是Paul McNally,一位经验丰富的游戏记者,自1980年以来一直沉浸在控制台和电脑世界中。作为知名视频游戏和电脑杂志编辑超过十年的经验,我培养了提供引人入胜和愉悦内容的技能。






随着游戏行业的不断发展,我们可以期待更多创新更新、惊心动魄的游戏玩法以及令人震撼的图形效果。《森林》系列已经证明了它有能力让玩家上瘾,我毫不怀疑Endnight Games将继续在他们今后的努力中呈现令人惊叹的体验。


问: 我可以在《森林之子》V1.0更新中使用我的旧存档吗?
答: 是的,您的旧存档仍然有效。但是,建议重新开始一个存档以完全沉浸自己在新故事中并体验所有令人兴奋的特点。

问: 《森林之子》V1.0中新疾病系统的意义是什么?
答: 新疾病系统为游戏增加了另一层现实感。饮用不洁净水或食用变质食物可能导致生病,凸显了在虚拟世界中保持卫生和正确饮食的重要性。

问: 《森林之子》将会有未来的更新和扩展吗?
答: 目前尚未有任何确定的信息,但Endnight Games展示了改进和扩展他们游戏的决心。看到未来出现新的更新或扩展也不足为奇。


  1. Steam – 《森林之子》补丁说明
  2. 《森林之子》官方网站
  3. BG3补丁6来袭:巨大的20,000字补丁说明中有什么?
  4. The Mirror – CES 2024: 智能镜子兼作您的正念教练
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