


OneDrive is causing issues with my PC gaming configurations | ENBLE

The OneDrive app on a Windows PC.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t use Microsoft’s OneDrive. However, Microsoft seems determined to make sure I do. When you set up a new PC, OneDrive automatically starts syncing files based on the Microsoft account you sign in with. Now, this isn’t usually a problem for the average user, but for PC gamers who switch devices often, it can cause quite a headache. Let me explain.

Creating Conflict

OneDrive running on a Windows PC.

The main problem with OneDrive and PC gaming is your documents folder. This is one of the default locations that OneDrive automatically syncs when you sign into your Microsoft account on a new PC, and it’s a critical location for PC gamers. When you move between devices, you can get caught up in conflicts that will lock you out of adjusting settings in games or sometimes even block you from playing certain games altogether. 🎮

Let me provide an example. Imagine you want to play the popular game Red Dead Redemption 2. Regardless of whether you bought the game on Steam or another platform, you’ll need the Rockstar Launcher to play it. Now, like many programs, the settings for the Rockstar Launcher are stored in your documents folder, which is automatically synced with OneDrive. Here’s where the problem arises. If you’ve previously launched the game on another PC, the Rockstar Launcher will hang with the settings file that’s already stored in OneDrive. As a result, you won’t be able to play the game. 🤦

The solution? Delete the launcher, delete the settings folder in both OneDrive and locally, quit OneDrive, and reinstall the launcher. A bit of a hassle, isn’t it? But that’s the only way to get your game to work.

Opt-In by Default

Microsoft OneDrive files can sync between a PC and a phone

Now, this problem isn’t unique to OneDrive. If you’re using any cloud storage service and start syncing files like your game settings, you’re likely to run into conflicts. But what sets OneDrive apart is that it automatically syncs files on Windows. So, you might encounter similar conflicts without even realizing they have anything to do with OneDrive.

This isn’t the only situation where Microsoft herds Windows users toward its apps. OneDrive isn’t alone in this game. We have Microsoft Edge, the Microsoft Store, and even the Xbox app to a certain extent. If you’ve ever tried to use a different browser on Windows, you know the Edge situation is real. The ENBLE even maintains a dedicated page detailing all the times Microsoft has tried to keep Windows users on Edge instead of a third-party browser. It’s like they’re playing sheriff in a one-browser town! 🤠

But back to OneDrive. The unique problem here is that it can cause real headaches that aren’t always easy to troubleshoot. While I appreciate Microsoft including its cloud storage service on PCs, it’d be better if it were something you needed to opt into instead of opting out of.

How to Opt Out of OneDrive

A setting to unlink your account from OneDrive.

Thankfully, if you’re worried about these conflicts, you can opt out of OneDrive syncing your files across multiple devices. Here’s how:

  1. Open the OneDrive folder in File Explorer. This will launch the OneDrive app in the background.
  2. Right-click the cloud icon in your taskbar, select the cog icon in the upper right corner, then choose Settings.
  3. In the window that opens, under Account, select Unlink this PC.
  4. To ensure that OneDrive doesn’t start when you boot your PC, search for “Startup apps” using the Windows key. Scroll down and uncheck the box for Microsoft OneDrive.



无论如何,如果您在使用PC游戏时遇到奇怪的问题,尤其是涉及外部启动器和设置文件时,请不要忽视OneDrive (或任何其他云存储服务) 的参与。它可能会帮您免除重大故障排除的头痛。😅

🤔 问与答:关于OneDrive 和PC游戏的常见问题

Q1:OneDrive 同步会导致与其他程序或文件的冲突吗,除了PC游戏之外? 是的,可能会。OneDrive 默认同步文件,存储在同步文件夹中的任何程序或文件在切换设备时可能会遇到冲突。游戏通常依赖设置文件,这些文件是同步冲突的完美候选者。但是,任何敏感或不断变化的文件都可能受到此问题的影响。

Q2:有没有办法永久禁用OneDrive 同步? 虽然无法完全禁用OneDrive,但您可以解除PC与该服务的链接,阻止其开机启动,并排除特定文件或文件夹不进行同步。这些步骤应该有效地防止不必要的同步。请记住,禁用整个服务可能导致某些功能或功能的丢失。

Q3:是否有其他云存储服务不具备这种自动同步行为? 有几种可用的云存储服务,每种服务都有自己的同步选项。一些服务,如Dropbox 和Google Drive,提供更精细的同步控制。确保审查您选择使用的任何云存储服务的设置和选项,以确保其符合您的需求和偏好。

不要让OneDrive 同步让您发疯!😜 如果您是经常切换设备的PC玩家,那么保持对潜在同步冲突的警惕至关重要。通过选择退出OneDrive 同步并遵循必要的步骤,您可以避免未来不必要的头疼。通过使用标签 #OneDriveConundrum 在社交媒体上与您的游戏玩伴分享本文,让我们了解您的经历。

🔗 参考资料:如何在OneDrive 上同步文件和文件夹微软在OneDrive 上添加 CoPilot 人工智能而无需额外费用三星Galaxy S24手机的主要区别谷歌解决涉及Chrome 浏览器的50亿隐私诉讼我们对2024年Zephyrus G14 的两个关键细节学到了什么
